...a season of giving

                November is a season of harvest and gratitude. We celebrate God’s bounty and return thanks. November is a good time to consider the practice of giving. I am rereading Jack Hayford’s book, The Key to Everyting, this month as part of my devotional practice. Pastor Hayford argues that giving is the key spiritual discipline. I would like to share some of his thoughts with you.
                “…learning and applying the Key to Everything involves the growing of a heart attitude of giving, which gives the right thing at the right time in the right way for the right reasons. Such giving takes many forms.
·         There are times to give up, not in resignation or in abandonment to despair, but in a surrender of self-righteousness.
·         There are times to forgive, that is, to release what otherwise could be retained as a grudge…
·         There are times to give over, to place into the hands of the Creator-Judge of the universe matters which only his might or his justice can sufficiently handle.
·         There are times to give to, providing with generosity in assisting the circumstances of another human being or group.
·         There are times to give in through simple obedience…
·         There are times to give wisely because we understand reciprocal laws of God which promise a bountiful return if we give. And that return is his way of making possible our learning to give over and over again with increasing resources and joyfulness. “
What will you give during this season of giving? Will you give thanks? Will you forgive? Will you give money as a thanks offering so that others may hear? Will you give yourself by giving your time? Give. It just may be the key to everything.

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