Summer Sermons at FBC Waco

What should I do now? What should I do? What shall we do tomorrow? What shall we ever do? What shall we do with ourselves this afternoon, and the day after that, and the next thirty years? F. Scott Fitzgerald scribbled down these questions in 1925. Gatsby’s world was a wasteland of shallowness. His acquaintances chased after Solomon’s wind and found themselves in Eliot’s rat’s alley. The spirit of that age is alive and well.

Men and women still pause to realize the vanity of shallow pursuits and followers of Jesus are still tempted to be squeezed into the patterns of the world. Scripture brings us back to the life of grace, life filled with the creator’s wonder, hope and purpose.

This summer we will journey through Genesis on Sunday mornings and 1 Peter on Wednesday evenings.  These biblical writings are serum against the poison of vanity. They root us in God and God’s purposes in the earth. I hope you plan on gathering with your church family this summer as we connect with God together.

Getting It Done In West

Thanks for contributing money and supplies toward the work in West, Texas. We have remained in contact with John Crowder over the past few weeks and he has told us amazing stories of God's faithfulness and the love of God's people. There will be  volunteer labor needs in West through the summer. Please consider giving some time. You can give a day, a week or more. A step everyone can make today is signing up to volunteer through the Baptist General Convention of Texas. This announcement from Curt will walk you through it. -
Local Mission Trip to West, TX--July 1-5, 2013--Our friends at FBC West are actively seeking volunteers for West Relief work and asking them to sign up the Texas Baptist's Disaster Relief Network.  Volunteers are needed all summer long, but FBC Waco will be helping as a church family from July 1-5.  Texas Baptists are coordinating the relief efforts, which will include everything from simple clean up to skilled labor.  Adults and children grade 6 and above are invited to help.  To participate, you must sign up in advance online at .  When you register, under location select "Add'l Volunteer Opportunities in West, TX" and enter the dates during July 1-5 when you can participate.  Cost for the week is $15, which covers required supplemental insurance.  Let Curt know if you're planning on helping!
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