open tomb is startling scandal and wild possibility. A few years back I stumbled
on the idea that Jesus is on the loose and it has motivated me since. It was in
a piece written by Beverly Roberts Gaventa on the work of Donald Harrisville
Juel. She wrote, “Among the striking observations in Donald Juel’s treatment of
Mark 16 is that, ‘Jesus is out, on the loose, on the same side of the door as
the women and the readers.’ This unsettling way of putting things builds on
Juel’s earlier observation that the tearing of the heavens at Jesus’ baptism
declared that the protective barriers between humanity is gone and that God, ‘unwilling
to be confined to sacred spaces, is on the loose in our realm.’” The Spirit of
Jesus refuses to stay put. God will not be caged. The Spirit is on the loose in
the midst of human life. We will be exploring this theme in April and May. We
will touch down at several points in Mark. Jesus is on the loose…
among fearful followers. Mark 16:1-8
among the withered. Mark 3:1-6
among the sent. Mark 3:31-35
among the kindred. Mark 3:31-35
among the children. Mark 10:13-16
among the rich. Mark 10: 17-28