I am grateful for the men and women that I share life
with. I’m indebted to these friends.
Some are mentors, some peers, and some protégés. Each mediates the presence of
God and teaches me as I (hopefully) add a little something to their
experience. This week I was reminded
that breath is important.
I met
with an undergraduate ministry guidance student from Baylor yesterday and we
discussed Brother Lawrence’s notion of practicing the presence of God. This
very bright student was a little stumped about how to get this going so I
suggested stopping eight or ten times during the day to simply take note of the
fact she was breathing. Breath is symbolic of the Spirit. God is present and
our breath can prompt us to recognize the goodness and mercy that hounds us all
day long.
I went immediately
from this meeting to a meeting with Ron Cook (I think of Doc Cook as my
pastor), Jamie McCallum, and Roger Fredrikson. Dr. Fredrikson joined us by
phone. The purpose of the call was to discuss ministry with the 90+ year old
pastor. Jamie read his book, The Church That Refused To Die as part of
her ministry mentoring experience and I tagged along for the ride. It was a
special phone call.
Fredrikson imparted wisdom, gave a word from God, and prayed. He closed our
conversation with a brief encouragement from John 20. He pointed to John 20:21b
as our mandate, “…as the Father has sent me, even so I send you.” Then he said,
“And then Jesus breathed on them. That’s what will happen in your churches. God
will breathe again and again.” There’s the hope of renewal!
At the end of his book Dr.
Fredrikson talks about the posture of the kneeling, open, repentant, expectant
spirit. He says that it is only in this posture that we receive God’s greatest
gift – the intimacy of Himself. When we come before God like this, “Then, He
fills, baptizes, and immerses us in His own life.”
on us Holy Spirit. Renew Your Church. Renew your churches. Amen