Prayer Pods

We have been members of FBC Waco for one year. It is hard to believe that I am able to type that sentence. Time has flown by. In a strange way we also feel like we have been here much longer than 365 days. We joined a story already being told and we feel it. Thank you so much for allowing us the privilege of serving along side you in the cause of Christ. You words and deeds of encouragement feed our soul. Thank you.

My hope for last year was to see significant change in congregational attitude. I wanted church to be fun in the holiest sense. It has been said that laughter is carbonated holiness. We have laughed together. We’ve wept together and we have developed as sense of expectancy. God blessed us last year and we should be grateful.

I sense that this year needs to be about a few simple things. We must continue to address the alignment of ministries and systems. We need to critically appraise all that we do. Above all we need a revival of prayer. My prayer about our prayer (better than a meeting about a meeting) is based on Zechariah 12:10. I’m asking God to pour out a , “spirit of compassion and supplication.” We are simply not enough but God is all sufficient. One simple thing we can do to foster this renewal is organize a collection of prayer pods.

Seed pods are little clusters of life. Prayer pods are to. Our Wednesday gatherings will be dedicated to three things this year. We will prepare for Sunday worship. 2. We will disciple children and students. 3. We will pray. I’d like to gather our congregation in small groups for prayer that will partner with each other during the year to encourage intercession and share concerns. These groups will pray around tables during the mid-week gathering. Following an encouraging devotional we will pray. It will take a few weeks to organize the pods so look for opportunities to sign up. You can sign up now by emailing me at I believe that God intends to do great things in and through us this year. Let’s be joyful participants in his mission.

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