Summer Reading List

We all stack up books during this season. I've got a few lined  up.  I'm looking for at least one piece of escape fiction. I would appreciate suggestions. Here's my list:

1. Cloulds Without Water: A Study of Jude As It Deals With Unregenerate Church Members, Bill Austin

2. Love Wins, Rob Bell

3. No Other Name: An Investigation into the Destiny of the Unevangelized. John Sanders

4. The Life Beyond: An Interpretation of New Testament teaching on death, the resurrection, the second coming, and eternal destiny - Ray Summers

5. Nudge, Len Sweet

What are you reading these days?


Debra Porter said...

Just finished Water for Elephants, and Kimberly wants me to read Love Wins.....

Anonymous said...

Just found your blog. Good job. Just finished Water for Elephants, The Help, The Art of Racing in the Rain. Lots more in the stack, thanks for your list. Will check them out..Cathey Hall

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