
We don't really know how to handle Jesus' momma. Some traditions exalt her beyond normal humanity. I think this reduces her in a strange kind of way. My own tradition, being a little reactionary, often presents her as little more than a borrowed womb. This makes her one more Evangelical "just". The Supper is "just" a memorial meal, etc. Mary has been wrapped in neon and pasted on construction paper. What do we do with her?

We follow her example.

Mary was a holy young woman. She loved God and had grit. We are going to talk about her this Sunday morning. Our focus will be her song of praise recorded in Luke 1:46-55. We are also going to climb a few steps on Benedict of Nursia's ladder of humility. Like Mary - we can grow in God exalting humility by:

  1. Revering God
  2. Doing God's Will
  3. Submitting to One Another
  4. Enduring Affliction
Have a great weekend. I hope to see you on Sunday!

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