(Remember you can click any of the images below to view them larger!)
Steps 1-2: Make sure you have the "Compatability View Button" turned on. You can check this by right clicking in the blank area on the toolbar as seen in the picture below. If the "Compatability View Button" is not checked, click it to put a check beside it.
3. Locate the "Compatability View Button" next to the referesh button at the top of the brower as seen in the picture below. Click the icon.
4. Broken Steeple should now look like the picture below.
If you are still having trouble viewing the site, you can leave a comment to this post or let Matt know via Facebook!
This post is brought to you by Matt's personal webmaster, Will.
Will - your title should be "Matt's buddy who likes to fool around with his blog". Thanks friend.
Matt's friend, Will - who hijacked his blog and completely redesigned it, thus causing viewing problems for his family and friends.
Did the instructions help?
By the way, I enjoyed the Sermon on the previous post. I watched it while catching up with general office stuff after being gone last week.
I'm glad you liked it. My mom thought I was a wimp for editing the "Chunky River Raft Race Story." I tell you the rest of it later.
Did you get your mom's computer to show the site okay?
Yes. She just needed the upgrade. Thanks.
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