Wherever Christians

Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went. Acts 8:4 NIV

I grew up on the NIV bible. I have not really used it in years. I switch back and forth between the KJV, NRSV, HCSB, and ESV. Whew! How 'bout them letters. We were in Florida last week because I commited to preach a revival in Jay. The pastor of the church is my good friend and I know he uses the NIV in preaching so I threw a copy in my bag. I'd planned on preaching a message about Philip so I picked up the NIV bible and read the passage from Acts 8. I think I had an experience of Baptist lectio divina. The word "wherever" jumped off the page and landed in my heart.

The early church was filled with "wherever Christians." The did not file their life in neat categories like: family, work, recreation, and God. They lived for and with God wherever they were. Let's pray that a wherever spirit will penetrate our hearts so that we will truly be - the presence of Christ in the world.

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