I Believe

It is important to look within and see what is in there from time to time. Dr. Levi Price asked a group of us Truett Seminary students to do a spiritual formation exercise that I found very helpful. He asked us to sit down - pray - and then jot down a brief affirmation of belief concerning our present season of ministry. This is what came out of me -

Statement of Belief
For we do not proclaim ourselves; we proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and ourselves as your slaves for Jesus' sake...Yes, everything is for your sake, so that grace as it extends to more and more people, may increase thanksgiving, to the glory of God. II Corinthians 3:5; 4:15 NRSV

I believe that I am called by God to serve in pastoral ministry. This demands that I personally grow in three primary areas of relationship and that I lead other followers of Jesus Christ to grow in these areas as well. These relationships are -
  1. The relationship with God in Christ
  2. The relationship with the church
  3. The relationship with the community

I believe that scripture is the guide for faith and practice. I believe that the church is God's chief instrument of grace in the world. I believe in the hope of conversion through faith in Jesus Christ. I believe in the fullness of the Spirit. I believe in the great commandments and the great commissions. I believe in the restoration of God's creational intent.

Statement of Values

I value loving God, self, and neighbor. I value faith. I value hope. I value working with God (I Cor. 3:9). I value the potential in God's people. I value my family.

Mission Statement

My mission it to love Christ, his church, and the community he died to save with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength and to lead the members of First Baptist Church Meridian, MS to do the same.

Vision Statement

My vision is to lead the followers of Jesus @ FBC Meridian to love God through worship and obedience - to love each other through genuine fellowship - to love the community (world) through compassionate service and evangelism.

NOTE- I believe that every Christian needs to be an active part of a Sunday School or small group unit. I believe every Christian needs to worship God in private and corporately. I believe that evey Christian needs to be able to identify thier primary mission field and sharpen their ministry skills through the equipping ministries of the church.

That's a few things I believe. What do you believe?


This Sunday will be our last Sunday at Truitt Memorial Baptist Church. I will baptize and preach my last sermon in a church we truly love. Meredith and I have shed more than a few tears over the transition before us. We are moving to Meridian, MS where I have accepted the position of associate pastor (something I never thought I would do) at First Baptist Church. We are really excited about the new ministry and believe that God has a wonderful work prepared for us. We are in a time of change and we have two congregations in our hearts. That is not easy! I'll be in Waco, Texas over the next two weeks working at Baylor. I'm leaving Meredith to close on our house and prepare for our move. My first Sunday in Meridian will be July 1. As Scott Peck once said, "Life is difficult." It is also a great adventure. Please keep us in your prayers as we walk through changes together.
Copyright © Broken Steeple